Conserve a Maya City:
The Grey Fox Archaeological Reserve
One of MRP's goals is to protect the archaeological remains of the past for the future. Thanks to our donors and partners, MRP acted on this goal by purchasing 125 acres that encompassed the Maya site of Grey Fox. Grey Fox is an ancient Maya center in northern Belize that was threatened by modern agricultural activities. (You can read more about our fundraising campaign in Popular Archaeology. )
This site is located on the edge of a 500 sq. km., low-lying un-impacted forest area known as the Bajo Alcranes. The site contains two large public plazas, each about 100 x 100 meters in size, dominated by a large eastern pyramid and large royal elite residences and viewing galleries, and, adjacent to the plazas, a probable ballcourt.
The area is also home to a large concentration of monkeys, tropical birds, and other wildlife, as well as trees and plant-life that help to make up the important biosphere of the area. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to help MRP continue to preserve cultural and natural resources in northwestern Belize- you can donate here.

In the aerial photo (bottom right), you can see Grey Fox’s western boundary and that no forest remains on the east side of the reserve.